
Dream Recall Tips-Better Remember Your Dreams& Tips For Keeping a dream Journal

We've all experienced waking up and just knowing that we were having a really interesting, creative or even enlightening dream but we just can't quite remember the details or theme. It's a very frustrating feeling, especially when it annoys you throughout the day as activities trigger just a bit of that previous nights dream... just enough to give you a feeling, but not enough for you to remember details.

In this article, Brilliant Dreams has compiled a few dream recall tips that can work on their own or synergistically with the Brilliant Dreams Dream Enhancement supplement to help you dramatically improve your dream recall. The first section contains ten quick dream recall tips, followed by a section discussing dream journals and tips on maintaining a dream journal. As with most techniques, these dream recall tips work best when applied consistently over time.

Tips to Improve Dream Recall

Maintain good, consistent sleep habits. Not getting enough sleep or going to bed ‘dog-tired’ can dramatically reduce natural dreaming activity. The Mayo Clinic offers a list of tips on their website if you are having trouble getting restful sleep.

When you go to bed tell yourself that you will remember your dreams. Repeat “I will remember my dreams” to yourself several times as you drift off to sleep. It sounds odd, but this tip has been shown again and again to be one of the most helpful.

Try to wake up slowly to remain within the ‘mood’ of your last dream. Buy an alarm clock with a gentle wake setting (sometimes called a progressive wake).

Awake at least once during the night, many times this will occur around an REM sleep cycle. Set an alarm or drink a lot of water prior to bed to ensure you have to wake up at least once.

Think about, but do not dwell upon your mood/emotions as you drift off to sleep.

Avoid alcohol near bedtime. Alcohol reduces the frequency and density of REM sleep.

Keep a pad and pencil next to your bed so you can jot down quick notes about your dream if you awake during the night (you may not remember it by morning) or as soon as you get up in the morning. Just the process of writing things down may help you recall more information about your dreams.

Start a dream journal (see dream journal tips below). Take your notes and recollections of you dreams and record your dreams in journal or story form.

Discuss your dreams with friends and family members. Just articulating your dreams can help you remember additional details.

If you awake during the night, think about your previous dream as you go back to sleep. This will help to reinforce the dream for improved dream recall in the morning.

Keeping a Dream Journal

Go ahead, start a Dream Journal tonight! All you need is a pen and paper (and the ability to recall a least some part of you dreams, of course!). A dream journal can be anything from just brief notes on the themes and emotions of your dreams to full fledged stories based on your dream content. You decide! Find out more below or feel free to skip ahead to our dream journal tips.

The best way to start is to take a new notebook and pen and place them at your bedside. Use this notebook exclusively as your dream journal (for you high techs out there, you can also use a personal voice recorder). As you go to bed tonight, take a moment and reflect on how you are presently feeling. Write the date on a new page and one or two brief adjectives describing how you feel, for example: Relaxed, Tired, Anxious, Emotional, Happy, Stressed, Peaceful, etc. We will come back to why this is important in a moment. Oh yeah, don't forget to take your Brilliant Dreams!

If you awake from a dream during the night, make sure you immediately write down a few notes about what you were dreaming. What kind of dream were you having? What details can you remember? How do you feel upon waking up? Why can't you see what you are writing... (tip turn on a bedside lamp, or, better yet get a small desk/book light).

When you wake up in the morning (hopefully in an unrushed, relaxed manner) keep your eyes closed an reflect on what you were just dreaming, then write down the theme, details, your emotions, etc. Don't worry if you wake up and don't remember dreaming at all, just because you have a dream journal handy doesn't mean your dreams will instantly be at the forefront of your mind (hint you need Brilliant Dreams for that).

Soon your dream habits will become apparent. You can analyze how often you remember your dreams and to what detail. More importantly (remember writing down how you felt when you went to bed?) you can discover how your emotional mind set at bedtime affects your dreams and dream recall! This can vary greatly from person to person. Some people have intense and interesting dreams during times of stress, others dream little or have poor quality dreams. You will be able to find out how your bedtime emotions and events in your life (are you recently in love? stressed at work/school? on vacation?) affect your dreams. Other factors to consider would be dreams when you are having your period or are pregnant (sorry guys, but these are hormone intensive activities; both are well known to affect dream habits).

Dream Journal Tips

Use a notebook exclusively for your dream journal. Fancy or plain doesn't matter, it's whether or not you use it that counts.

Keep your journal and pen next to your bed and turned to a blank page for tonight's dreams. Just place them next to your bottle of Brilliant Dreams!

Maintain a consistent format for writing notes about your dreams. Make sure you date each page. An example format may be the date, your bedtime emotions, an area for quick middle-of-the-night or wake up notes and then another are or subsequent pages for your dream in a more detailed or story format.

As you are writing down details, ask yourself what these dream symbols, themes or emotions may mean, add your thoughts about that as well.

Don't worry about grammar or punctuation when you are quickly writing down details. The goal is to get the ideas on paper before they fade. You can then incorporate these quick notes done in your own shorthand into well written dream documentation or stories if you so desire.

Title your dreams. Just pick something that fits well or is interesting or amusing. You can be the highlight of the cocktail party with lines like "...well, if you want to talk about wild nights, let me tell you about my 'Trying On Bathing Suits With Cleopatra And Kramer From Seinfeld' dream... ...oh, and you should check out Brilliant Dreams" (endorsements from happy customers are our best form of advertising!).

About Brilliant Dreams

Brilliant Dreams Dream Enhancement dramatically improves dream recall, enhances dream vividness and encourages lucid dreaming. Brilliant Dreams is based on a FDA approved herbal extract with a 3000 year medicinal history, providing safe, effective dream enhancement. Learn more at BrilliantDreams.com!

Additional information:
Lucid Dreaming
Dream interpretation

May all your dreams be Brilliant!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Melissa_Mansion
Lucid dreaming is the art, one would say, of keeping awareness while in a dream state. Unlike in normal dreaming, a person can actively change either the environment of the subjects or actions they take in their dream.
Children are usually more able to lucid dream than adults are, but one can teach themselves to dream lucidly. For instance, there are three ways to initiate lucid dreaming. The first is spontaneous: you're in a dream state and suddenly gain awareness that that you are dreaming. The second is when someone goes from a state of purposeful wakefulness to sleep and transitions straight into a lucid dream. The last is "mnemonically-induced" where people assert that they'll be aware when they begin to dream.
My only lucid dreaming experience has been a spontaneous one where I was being chased by a knife-wielding killer, only to discover that I was definitely dreaming. So I asked him, "Hey, what are you chasing me for?" Mr. Knife-Wielding Maniac seemed a little confused and embarrassed about the whole thing and we had a lovely conversation until I woke up.
The best way to practice lucid dreaming is to keep a thoughtful mind towards "reality tests." Before going to bed think about checking clocks, flipping light switches, and looking in mirrors. Anything that doesn't strictly jive with reality is a hint you're in a dreamworld. Clocks don't tick, light switches don't always turn on and your reflection will usually be fuzzy. Another course of action is to actively meditate before bed. Relaxing this way in a mindful manner ups the chances of you being aware of your physical processes and transitioning straight into a lucid dream. Of course, the results vary from dreamer to dreamer but keeping a keen eye turned towards these clues will allow you to gain awareness and make your dreamworld more like your personal imaginative playground.
Set your homepage to http://fluentdreaming.com to be reminded each time you open your browser to do a mental check if you are dreaming. It's completely free and available at anytime... http://fluentdreaming.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Benjamin_Napp



Mimpi melihat laki2 banyak daripada perempuan = kebajian didalam Negeri itu.
Kanak2 banyak daripada orang dewasa@orang dewasa jadi kanak2 = akan beroleh suka cita.
Melihat kubur orang banyak = akan huru-hara didalam Negeri itu.
Dirinya baik daripada demam = barang dicitanya akan diperolehi.
Bermimpi ia beristeri = berole pekerjaan yang di inginkan.
Bermimpi dirinya dibunuh orang = akan segera balik ke Negerinya.
Dihalau daripada jabatannya = akan beristeri/bersuami rezkinya pun akan dimurahkan oleh Allah swt.
MIMPI DIRINYA BERILMU = akan naik pangkat.
RAMBUTNYA PANJANG = beroleh sahabat/isteri.
DIRINRA KURUS = beroleh penghormatan.
DIRINYA TELANJANG = lepas daripada duka-citanya.
DIRINYA PENDEK = pekerjaanya tidak menjadi.
DIRINYA GILA = Lepas daripada penyakit.
DIRINYA MENANGIS = beroleh kebajikan / sukacita.
DIRINYA MATI KEMUDIAN HIDUP SEMULA = cita-2 nya akan tercapai.
MELIHAT ORANG MATI = akan berkelahi/beroleh harta tanpa bekerja.
DIRINYA DIBAWA KE KUBUR = beroleh kekeayaan.
DIRINYA DI BUNUH ORANG = lanjut umurnya.
MATANYA TIADA = singkat umurnya.
TERBANG = beroleh ilmu /kebajikan.
TERBANG KEATAS KAYU/TEMPAT TINGGI = bercersi dengan isterinya ( suaminya )
BERKATA-KATA DENGAN KHALIFAH = perkataannya di turuti.
DIRINYA DIGANTUNG = lepas dairpada hutangnya.
Mimpi ia terpenjara / janggutnya panjang = bertapa.
Orang kaya terpenjara = rezkinya akan berkurangan.
Dirinya dirantai oleh orang = jahat pekertinya & jahil pekerjaannya lagi bencana akan datang padanya akibat perbuatannya, orangpun banyak benci akan dia.
Giginya depannya patah yg diatas = ada saudaranya meninggal dunia.
Dirinya digantung = luput daripada kesalahan.
Dirinya dipalu orang = akan diberi harta ( keturunan harta ).
Ditangkap harimau = diperdayakan orang akan dia daripada pekerjaan dunianya.
Dirinya kesakitan = jahat pekertinya & jahil pekerjaannya, haendaklah segera bertaubat & meminta keampunan daripada Allah swt.
Mimpi dibawa orang kayu api@kayu api banyak dirumahnya@ berniaga = beroleh laba besar.
Mimpi dirinya berkahwin dengan isteri orang = orang besar2 melakukan pekerjaan yang inaya didalam Negeri itu.
Setubuh dengan ibunya/saudaranya@orang yang haram di nikahinya = beroleh sukacita & kekayaan yg sempurna dunia dan Akhirat.
Matanya @ tubuhnya bercahaya = akan beroleh kebajikan yg amat besar.
Dipukul orang kepalanya @ kepala orang lain = alamat kebinasaan, hendaklah segera memberi sedekah.
Matanya buta/telinganya tuli = alamat akan berduka-cita.
Sebarang giginya patah = bercerai dengan isterinya / sukar pekerjaannya.


Mimpi tentang alam

Mimpi naik keatas awan = akan beroleh kekayaan lagi rezkinya tidak akan kurang.
Naik keatas awan & tinggal disana = akan jadi raja jika asalnya raja, jadi menteri jika keturunannya menteri,jika rakyat biasa akan jadi penghulu ( akan naik pangkat ).
matahari terbelah 2 atau hitam warnanya = ada pembesar akan meningal dunia didalam Negeri itu atau akan huru hara.
melihat matahari & bulan seperti bayang2 = seterunya akan datang pada Negeri itu.
matahari atau bulan kembar = pembesar didalam Negeri itu akan bersengketa .
bintang jatuh keribanya @ atas rumahnya(masuk kerumahnya) = akan beroleh kekayaan atau beroleh anak @ cucu yg saleh.
Mukanya merah/hitam = akan datang bahaya kepadanya, hendaklah sentiasa berhati-hati & banyakkan berdo’a kepada Allah swt.
mendengar guruh/petir = akan ada bahaya daripada atasannya yg inaya @ rezkinya akan terbantu, hendaklah segera bersedekah untuk tolakkan bala’nya.
Mukanya putih = murah rezkinya & sentosa kehidupannya tapi janganlah lupa diri.
Hujan lebat = murah makanan didalam Negeri itu.
Rebut/hujan serta putting beliung = orang besar2 akan meninggal dunia, orang besar2 dalam Negeri itu sangat inaya, ada orang bertikam benda tajam.
Angina lemah lembut = beroleh kebajikan.
Hujan batu = akan beroleh rezki halal.
Mandi hujan/mandi sungai = beroleh harta yang banyak.
Wallahu wa’lam bissawaab……..


Ingin Mengetahui Rahsia Mimpi Anda......?

Salam…apa pendapat anda tentang mimpi …? Adakah ia hanya sekadar penghias dalam tidur atau cuma mainan tidur seperti yg sering di perkatakan oleh orang2 lama?
Setengah orang berpendapat bahwa mimpi itu adalah gangguan@godaan syaitan, tapi bagi pengamal nombor ekor...mimpi adalah tuah/keuntungan baginya kerana meraka boleh meramal nombor2 yg bakal keluar pada pusingan tertentu.

baiklah… apapun pendapat anda tentang mimpi itu tergantung pada diri kita masing2…
pada kesempatan ini saya ingin menjelaskan sedikit tentang mimpi sama ada mimpi buruk atau mimpi yg menyenangkan. Biasanya apa yg kita lihat di dalam mimpi itu kadang2 berlaku yg sebaliknya. Tetapi ada sesetengah orang merasa takut dan selalu memikirkan apa yg di alaminya dalam mimpi sehingga mengganggu prestasinya bahkan ada yg sakit kerana mimpinya itu adalah mimpi seram dan sangat menakutkan…
            mari kita sama2 berkongsi rahsia atau maksud di sebalik mimpi kita semalam…..

Mimpi sembahyang < sempurna pekerjaannya Dunia&Akhirat,di anugrahkan pahala yg berlipat ganda oleh Allah swt.>
Mimpi perang sabil < akan menunaikan Haji suatu hari nanti, diampuni segala dosa-dosanya dunia & akhirat >
Masuk ke Masjidil Haram @ tawaf < akan beroleh pahala, disempurnakan nikmat dunia & akhirat, jika sakit pada saat itu maka ia akan segera sembuh.>
Memberi sedekah @ zakat < alamat akan bersukacita >
Meminta do’a @ membaca Al-Qur’an < lepas daripada bala’ &bahaya, barang kerjanyapun sempurna >
Membaca Surah panjang dalam Al-Qur’an < alamt akan lanjut umurnya lagi beroleh harta &barabg citanya di perolehi >
Mimpi berpuasa < beroleh kekayaan,atau naik pangkat >

Sembahyangkan mayat < beroleh pahala dunia & akhirat.